Guaranteed Stability And Superior Work - Advantages Of Choosing Structural Steel Over Concrete

Have you been dealing with malfunctioning equipment? This blog is all about keeping your equipment in top condition, so that you can reduce your costs.

Guaranteed Stability And Superior Work - Advantages Of Choosing Structural Steel Over Concrete

Guaranteed Stability And Superior Work - Advantages Of Choosing Structural Steel Over Concrete

2 May 2016
, Blog

Modern construction techniques provide a wide variety of choices and opportunities to property owners. When you embark on a new project, you'll be faced with making important choices that, ultimately, will determine the lifespan and viability of your structure. In order to make sure you make the correct choices, you have to educate yourself on the materials being used.

Below, you'll find a guide to some of the advantages that structural steel enjoys over concrete. Hopefully, with this information in mind, you can comfortably settle for the use of a steel structure, and you can pursue a building skeleton that remains strong, resilient, and responsive to your needs for many years to come.

Fire Resistance

The cost of maintaining a building throughout its life should be factored in to your construction choices, but those costs aren't as simple as always opting for the cheapest solution. Catastrophic events, such as fire, are obviously major financial concerns, and even maintaining adequate insurance can cut into your bottom line if your liability is exposed.

When choosing a steel structure, you can be confident that you'll have superior fire protection. Your steel structure will need minimal additional materials added for support, decreasing the risk of attracting elements which are vulnerable to fire. It's also more likely to be resilient in the event of a fire, minimizing your costs for rebuilding.

Environmental Sustainability

Balancing cost effectiveness with an eagerness to be a responsible corporate citizen can be a difficult task, but structural steel can help set you on the right path. Many steel components are now developed from recycled metals, minimizing waste and guaranteeing that your structure is minimally invasive to the earth.

By contrast, the creation of new concrete always requires the mining of rocks and minerals and the breaking up of natural landscapes in order to secure the necessary materials. Concrete projects also produce runoff water which can damage groundwater supplies and cause further harm.


Ultimately, building a new structure has value because it allows you to create an environment which is flexible to your needs. If you're pursuing such a project, then it's important to be sure to secure everything you want. While concrete supports are somewhat stubborn and come with inherent space and weight limitations, the flexibility and strength of steel can allow you to expand your options. A steel structure can be melded to meet your exact needs, guaranteeing your satisfaction with the end product. Contact a business, such as Garelick Steel, for more information.     

About Me
Keeping Your Equipment In Top Condition

After dealing with malfunctioning equipment for a few months, I sat down with our accounting team and started exploring the possibility of upgrading all of our equipment. We went through the books and started trying to piece together a little money for some new supplies, and we worked hard to make it happen. After we finally replaced out equipment, we worked to keep it in top condition. We followed the manufacturer's recommendations for care, and we only hired professionals to service the machinery. This blog is all about keeping your equipment in top condition so that you can reduce your costs.
